Call to Oppose Torture
Make it clear to the Bush Administration that we won't stand for torture.
Loose Lips, Pink Slips: Fire Karl Rove
Print a poster and display it.
I Heart Honey Crisp Apples (and really hate ham)
I can't remember the last time I laughed out loud this uncontrollably while reading something on the web.
Support DMCA Reform - Help Pass HR 1201!
"HR 1201 would give citizens the right to circumvent copy-protection measures as long as what they're doing is otherwise legal. For example, it would make sure that when you buy a CD, whether it is copy-protected or not, you can record it onto your computer and move the songs to an MP3 player. It would also protect a computer science professor who needs to bypass copy-protection to evaluate encryption technology."
Pat Robertson: Model Christian
From MoveOn.org:
"On Sunday morning, Christian Coalition founder Pat Robertson told TV viewers nation-wide that the threat posed by liberal judges is "probably more serious than a few bearded terrorists who fly into buildings." When an incredulous George Stephanopoulos asked if Robertson really believed that these judges posed "the most serious threat America has faced in nearly 400 years of history, more serious than al Qaeda, more serious than Nazi Germany and Japan, more serious than the Civil War?," he responded, "George, I really believe that.""
Bush in 30 Years
"If it ain't broke, don't privatize it!" won MoveOn PAC's Bush in 30 Years contest.
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Condemns American Human Rights Abuses
"The Assembly considers that the US Government has betrayed its own highest principles in the zeal with which it has attempted to pursue the 'war on terror.'" Did you read, hear, or see this story? No, me neither. Damn "liberal" media.
Protect Public Weather Data
"The National Weather Services Duties Act (S.786) would ban NWS from "competing" with private entities by making it unlawful for the agency to publish user-friendly weather data and barring NWS experts from speaking one-on-one to news agencies." What's next, the Library of Congress can't host a web site?
Hands off the Supreme Court
Download a window sign, print it, and post it to express your displeasure regarding the Republicans' pursuit of the "nuclear option."