25 May 2006 3:41 pm
One Month Numbers
Andrea had her one-month check up this morning at the doctor's office. She is growing quite well, with a three pound weight gain in the last four weeks. She is now 11 lbs, 0.5 oz which is at about the 90th percentile. She grew two inches in four weeks to measure in at 23 inches long which is the 95th percentile. Her head is now 15 1/8" in circumference which is between the 75th and 90th percentiles.
Andrea's next well check will be scheduled for when she is two months old.
22 May 2006 7:32 am
Site Availability
Over the next week or so, the site may be down during normal business hours. I have a new router for work but it isn't yet set it up to allow web traffic. Sorry for the inconvenience. (Yes, I realize that if the web server is down, you can't read this message, but my hope is that you frequent visitors will read this message before the site is down.)
16 May 2006 12:38 pm
Photo Backlog
If you've been paying attention, you've probably realized that I've been behind on editing and sharing pictures. But, I really do have a good excuse!
Anyway, I think that I am somewhat up to date, at least by my definition. The new pictures recently posted:
Pictures of Dylan in Months 25 thru 27
Pictures of Andrea in Utero
Going forward, I'll be counting time relative to Andrea's birth, at least for the near term. It's much easier than continuing with "Month 28" of Dylan. Pictures of all of us will still be included. Month One will be the first album to expect no earlier than Friday. And no later than... well, no promises there!