27 April 2006 10:33 am
Andrea's First Doctor Visit
Andrea visited the doctor's office for the first time yesterday at one week old. She was given a clean bill of health. She now weighs 8 lbs 2 oz and is 21 inches long. This puts her between the 50th and 75th percentiles for weight and between the 75th and 90th percentiles for length. Her head has grown from 13 1/2" at birth to 14" which is just above the 50th percentile. We'll see if her head size ever goes off the charts like Dylan's did. By the way, he now wears a youth size bike helmet.
26 April 2006 9:53 am
Andrea's Hospital Pictures
Pictures that we took while Andrea was in the hospital are now available. Regarding quantity, Andrea won't be able to complain that her older brother had more pictures taken in the first few days of life. We did much better with the camera in the delivery room and afterwards. Perhaps my mind really has been warped by the scrapbooking I've done in the last several months. It's more likely that Geoff and I were both more comfortable and familiar with the processes occurring in the minutes following birth than we were when Dylan was born.
Enjoy these for now. There will be more to come.
22 April 2006 9:56 pm
Modern Day "Old Wives" Tales
So, I'm thinking about starting a new "old wives" tale regarding how to determine the gender of a baby. There were two ways that were accurate for us. Two for two!
In true March Madness fashion, there was a baby pool at work. Since many folks had done quite poorly in the office NCAA pool, there was interest in redeeming oneself. I, for one, could only improve upon my last quartile performance in March. In this pool, the prediction was two-to-one, in favor of our baby being a boy. And, it was a girl. Some of you may recall that when Dylan was born, the baby pool was overwhelmingly in favor of a girl, three-to-one. So, if you want to determine the gender of a baby, set up a baby pool in the office and you'll have a baby of the opposite gender predicted.
The second way to learn of the baby's gender is to ask the nurse who is going to deliver the baby. In the case of Dylan, our nurse predicted an 8 lb boy when she started her shift; Dylan was 7 lb 15 oz. In the case of Andrea, the nurse who eventually delivered the baby was the one who started my IV. She wasn't actually my nurse at the time, but she stepped in after my nurse was unsuccessful starting the IV. She asked if we knew whether we were having a boy or girl. I told her we didn't, but asked what her prediction was. And she said girl. Fifteen hours later, our beautiful baby girl was born, with the nurse back in the delivery room. An accurate way for us, but it doesn't leave much time to make any plans. And there may actually be a scientific basis for this one.
I think that the office baby pool is the way to go...
20 April 2006 7:41 am
Andrea Elizabeth Schmit
On 19 April 2006, at 7:30pm CDT, Andrea Elizabeth Schmit was born. She was seven pounds, fifteen ounces and twenty inches long. Carolyn and Andrea are both doing great. We'll post more pictures when we have the chance.