24 February 2006 11:39 pm
Pismo Tribute
This past Tuesday, my Pismo, which I've used for the last six years, was replaced by a MacBook Pro. So far, I love the MacBook and will try and write something about it later, but, first, I want to pay tribute to the Pismo. The Pismo is perhaps the best laptop Apple's ever made. Despite being over six years old, it runs the latest version of Mac OS X and has all the connectivity that I need. There's a lot of speculation about battery life of the MacBook Pro. How does ten hours sound? No problem on the Pismo with two batteries.
The Pismo held up remarkably. I abused it too much last June when I spilled tea on it right before WWDC. (Yeah, I was the guy with the Pismo using the USB mouse and keyboard.) In exchange for helping a friend configure TCP/IP on Mac OS, I acquired his damaged Pismo and managed to combine the two into a working system.
The Pismo isn't being relegated to the basement with all the other ancient Macs. It stays in the kitchen to play music, connect to the printer, and hold recipes and grocery lists. All of which it continues to do well.
Now if I can just stop trying to open the wrong end of the MacBook Pro due to the Apple logo being upside down....