19 July 2008 9:09 pm
Photo Progress
In the past few weeks, I've made some progress on editing pictures from this year. I previously shared links to the first three albums of the year. Now, the Family index is updated and there are three additional albums:
- Easter
- Second Quarter
- Our visit to the Big Bugs Exhibit at the Morton Arboretum
There aren't new pictures without a typical disclaimer... I am still editing pictures from our recent vacation in June, and we have already taken pictures in July.
If you're only interested in one picture, there's one of Andrea that's not to miss.
13 July 2008 9:30 pm
Crunchy or Creamy?
Today for lunch, Dylan asked me to make him the apples with peanut butter and chocolate Teddy grahams that are on the back of the package. I asked whether he wanted crunchy or creamy peanut butter. We usually eat crunchy, but I had recently used creamy peanut butter to make him the convertible that was on the back of the graham cracker sticks box. Dylan picked the crunchy peanut butter out of the cupboard.
While making his apples, I thought about, and realized why I have a preference for crunchy peanut butter. I explained it to Dylan, but he didn't seem at all interested. So, perhaps I'll find a more compassionate audience here.
I like crunchy peanut butter because it allows me to keep the ingredients inside of the crackers. One of my favorite snacks has always been graham crackers with peanut butter, or peanut butter and fluff, inside. I like to put a decent amount of filling in the crackers, squeeze the crackers together, and first eat what gets squished out; I know, Miss Manners would not be pleased to hear this technique. With crunchy peanut butter, there is a limit to how much of the filling can be squeezed out. There is always some peanut butter, and possibly fluff, that is left to eat with the graham cracker. And that is why I prefer crunchy peanut butter.
Marshmallow Fluff... it might come from humble origins, but it has gone where few people have gone... into space. But we can talk about fluff some other day.
11 July 2008 9:17 am
The only time that I ever stood in line for tickets was to get a parking permit in college. In spite of being in line prior to 5 a.m., which was either very early or very late at that point in my life, I didn't get a parking permit near my apartment. I did get one, but it was for the lot that was probably a half mile away.
This morning, Geoff was kind enough to wait until the kids and I were on the way to daycare to start his wait in line for the new iPhone. I hope that he is able to get the one that he wants. At the store closest to our house, he estimated there were close to 300 people prior to the store opening at 8:00. It was moving quicker than he expected, so we'll see if it takes less than his initial estimate of 5 hours. I saw the reality of waiting in line at another AT&T store that is near daycare, which I volunteered to drive past to see if the line was any shorter. I estimated that there were at least 200 people there at about 8:15, which was after the store opened.
On my return home, I heard on the radio that the guy in Hong Kong who got the first 3G iPhone in the world had waiting in line for 60 hours. So, perhaps a 5-hour wait in Naperville isn't so bad afterall. And it will definitely put Geoff at the beginning of the 10 million iPhones that I heard are expected to be sold before the end of the year.