9 August 2009 7:37 pm
When I Grow Up...
... I want to be...
The first time that I heard those words from Andrea was the day that we visited a dairy farm on vacation. That night, the answer she offered with no prompting was "a farmer and a cooker." By "cooker,' I certainly hope that she means a chef and not simply a burger flipper at a fast-food joint.
Tonight, Andrea added two more variations to the mix. The first was, "When I grow up, I want to be an author, ... and a farmer and a cooker. A food cooker and an ice cream cooker." Shortly after, she indicated that she wanted to be "Curious George, a farmer, and a cooker."
I was surprised that she did not forget about being a farmer and a cooker in the month since she first shared her aspirations. It'll be some time until she's all grown up, so for now I hope that she enjoys being a kid!
8 August 2009 8:52 pm
Lots of Pictures!
I've been on a photo editting and posting spree. I have been secretly putting up new albums over the last month and a half, with the majority in the last week. Here are some new albums to enjoy. As with a good drink or meal, be sure to savor them, since it might be a while since you'll get any more.
- January thru March 2009 (111 pictures), excluding Dylan's birthday which was already posted
- April 2009 (82 pictures)
- Andrea's 3rd Birthday (65 pictures)
- A visit from Uncle Tom, his kids, and Grandma (84 pictures)
- May 2009 (81 pictures)
- June 2009 (60 pictures)
If I continue at this pace, there is a chance that I can edit pictures from vacation and the rest of the summer by Labor Day weekend. Good thing that Labor Day is late this year!
3 August 2009 6:55 pm
For Sale?
Today, I dropped Andrea off late at school, and stayed for her class group time by her request. Group time was interesting...
Last week Andrea's class had a pizza-making fundraiser. On Thursday, they made English-muffin pizzas -- all cheese. Well, they had sauce on them, too. On Friday, the pizzas were cooked and sold them to parents. I don't remember the exact price, but I donated a dollar to get four and I overpaid.
Today, the class was discussing and voting on what they were going to do with the $9 they earned. The two options presented by the teacher were: (1) ice cream party, and (2) buy a fish for the classroom. Each child was given a choice in turn to voice their preference. They were also given the option for a "write-in" idea. Andrea passed on her turn to vote. Andrea's friend, Aaron, did not. He was the first (and only) to say, "I have an idea."
Aaron's idea was to "Buy Andrea's mommy." The idea got a vote from Aaron and two of the other children. In the end, "Buy a Fish" also had three votes. (Un)fortunately, "Ice Cream Party" ended up with six votes, so I don't have to worry about being owned, and cared for!, by a pre-school class of three-year-olds.