9 August 2009 7:37 pm
When I Grow Up...
... I want to be...
The first time that I heard those words from Andrea was the day that we visited a dairy farm on vacation. That night, the answer she offered with no prompting was "a farmer and a cooker." By "cooker,' I certainly hope that she means a chef and not simply a burger flipper at a fast-food joint.
Tonight, Andrea added two more variations to the mix. The first was, "When I grow up, I want to be an author, ... and a farmer and a cooker. A food cooker and an ice cream cooker." Shortly after, she indicated that she wanted to be "Curious George, a farmer, and a cooker."
I was surprised that she did not forget about being a farmer and a cooker in the month since she first shared her aspirations. It'll be some time until she's all grown up, so for now I hope that she enjoys being a kid!