Welcome to schmits.org: , , , and virtual front porch. This web site is just that; a place to visit for family, friends, and anyone, who are too far away, to stop by in person. Pull up a chair and stay a while....
8 December 2008 9:13 pm
"Mommy, I want my blanket."
"Your blanket? Which blanket? Do you want your quilt?"
"My blanket."
"Andrea, which blanket?"
"My blanket. That blanket."
"Wait! You said, 'blanket.' Geoff, did you hear? Andrea said 'blanket.'
I admit that I was a bit slow. Andrea has evolved from "Daddy's" to "Did-it" and now on to "blanket." Looking back, it is possible that she's been saying blanket for days... or weeks... but, I've finally caught on.
Posted by geoff at 21:13 in /family/andrea