6 September 2008 1:30 pm
Food Complements
I recently found the person who complements my tastes in Tootsie Roll pops. I have Tootsie Roll pops at work to snack on. A friend at work has been enjoying some also. When I went to buy more, she had me buy some for her and we decided to split them up. She knew I wasn't a bit fan of grape and cherry, and those were her favorites. She cautiously posed the question, "Who's going to eat the orange ones?" "ME! Orange is probably my favorite." It's perfect. I get extra orange, raspberry, and sometimes chocolate, and I don't have to have grape or cherry. And she doesn't have to save the orange Tootsie Roll pops to hand out at Halloween.
We also found a surprising win-win situation last week when we ordered pizza from Papa John's. Dylan discovered the garlic dipping sauce, and wanted to eat only the crust of the pizza. Andrea only likes to eat the portion with cheese. Sometimes, she even eats the cheese and soft crust and leaves the hard bottom crust. We haven't figured out a way to cut that off for Dylan to eat. But, it is cute to watch Andrea had her crust to Dylan, and Dylan to take it and eat it. I don't expect this to last, but I'll enjoy it while it does.
6 September 2008 1:23 pm
Oreo Cookies
Eating an Oreo cookie is genetic. The dominant trait is to open the cookie and eat the cream in the middle. The recessive trait is to open two cookies, eat the sides without cream, and then make a double-stuff Oreo to eat. Geoff exhibits the dominant trait. I have the recessive trait. Mmmmm... it's been a long time since I've had a quadruple-stuff Oreo made from double-stuff Oreos.
Andrea ate her first Oreo cookie a couple of weeks ago. She got it from the Pig mascot from Famous Dave's Barbecue, but that's really irrelevant. Without anyone else's example to follow, she took the cookie apart and ate the cream in the middle. She proceeded to do this with the second cookie. She left the cookies behind. Perhaps that's a different gene. I'd never leave chocolate on my plate, and I don't think Geoff would either.
6 September 2008 1:15 pm
Understanding Andrea
It is a challenge to understand Andrea at times. I'm starting to see a theme here: a two-year old is a challenge. I guess that isn't rocket science.
Andrea has progressed from calling her blankets "daddys" to calling them "did its." Dylan was very excited the other day when he finally figured this out. He was disappointed when I told him I already knew that, so he turned to Geoff to share his newly found knowledge. One of these days, her blanket will actually be called a blanket. And I'll probably never notice when that happens.
The other morning, Dylan wanted peanut butter on bread for breakfast, so Andrea decided she did also. Only, she specified "no chocolate." No problem, I thought, as you're not getting chocolate for breakfast. When I delivered her bread with peanut butter, Andrea looked up and emphatically said, "No CHOCOLATE." It was then that I understood. She didn't want crunchy peanut butter; she wanted smooth peanut butter. Try explaining that one to the folks at Reese's.