Schmit Family
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5 September 2008 11:47 am

The Why Challenge

Andrea is in the "Why?" phase. It's probably a toss-up these days whether she uses the word "No" or the word "Why?" more frequently. Ah, the fun of having a two-year old.

My challenge when Dylan was asking "Why?" continuously was to see whether I could outlast him. And I don't mean outlast in terms of a "Why?" - "Because I said so" - "Why?" - "Because I said so and I'm the parent." - "Why?" - "Because parents make the rules." exchange. I mean in terms of answering each subsequent "Why?" with additional information and having him be satisfied. Often it would take upwards of a dozen answers, but I found it interesting to see where his questions would take us. It is harder than you might think to not get stumped by a child!

So, now the challenge with answering Andrea's questions has begun. I hope that I can continue to answer each question and encourage her to never stop asking them!

"Why, Mommy?"

Because I want you to be as smart and inquisitive as you are capable of becoming. And I never want you to hesitate to ask me a question!

Posted by geoff at 11:47 in /family/andrea