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30 August 2008 9:19 pm
Vacation Photos - Summer 2008
I finished editing the pictures from the vacation we took this past June. I eliminated close to a third of the pictures and hopefully cropped others to make them more appealing to view. Instead of putting them all in one "Summer Vacation" album as I initially intended, I broke them into the following albums:
- Syracuse Balloon Fest
- Our trip to the Museum of Science and Technology in Syracuse
- Beaches we visited on vacation, including Lakeland Park in Cazenovia and Green Lakes State Park. Also, a few miscellaneous photos are included.
- Fun in Fenner, which includes roasting marshmallows at Oma and Opa's house and visiting the Wind Turbines.
- Clay, Zoo, and Carousel, which includes some time at Grandma and Grandpa's house, a trip to the Burnet Park Zoo, and a visit to Carousel Center in Syracuse.
- A visit to Beaver Lake Nature Center with Grandma
- Parties! - Grandma's retirement and Grandpa's 70th Birthday - plus some time with Cousins Tommy and Abigail
- Heids, Baseball, and Lock 23, and actually Baseball again.
We had another great vacation this year with family. Dylan and Andrea saw one set of great-grandparents, both sets of grandparents, all three uncles, both aunts, and their two cousins. As can be seen through the pictures, we kept them busy, but tried not to overload them too much. Naps still are needed during the day, and we probably pushed bedtime a bit too late on a few occasions, but that's what vacations are for.