Schmit Family
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29 August 2008 8:26 pm

Preschool Hacker

My daughter is a hacker. At least that is the only explanation that I have for how she was able to answer the phone call from Geoff today. And now, the rest of the story...

On the way home from school, I called Geoff to let him know we were on the way. Typically, when I hang up, Andrea wants to see my phone. Rather than give it to her and let her call her pals in some distant part of the world, I turn off my phone. This often frustrates her, because she can't make the lights on the phone flash. Today, she didn't seem to be bothered as she pressed random buttons.

After a few minutes, Andrea seemed very anxious to give the phone back to me. It was then that I noticed that there was an active phone call with Geoff. At the time, I actually thought that she was just dialing him, but later learned that he had called me.

Alone, the fact that Andrea turned on the phone is not much of a feat. However, the fact that she turned on the phone and then entered my 4-digit security code is quite impressive. If you're wondering, the code is not the same digit four times, nor did I think that it was a very obvious pattern. And yes, I am quite positive that the phone was turned off when I gave it to her.

Does anyone know how I can get in touch with the National Security Agency?

Posted by geoff at 20:26 in /family/andrea