Schmit Family
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3 June 2008 9:43 pm

Potty Training?

My theory on potty training is adopted from some wise folks who shared it with me: A child will be ready to be potty trained at a particular age. Unfortunately, there is no way to know what that age is. So, if you start potty training a day before that age, it will take a day. If you start a week before, it will take a week. If you start a year before, it will take a year.

That said, I have no idea when Andrea will be ready. I do know a few facts. (1) She is asking to have her diaper changed right after she poops. Most of the time. (2) She was dry this morning when she woke up. (3) She didn't want to wear a diaper today.

That said, she did wear a diaper to school today, and the diaper was soaked by the time we got there. She wasn't interested in peeing on the toilet before leaving the house, so that's a big obstacle we have to overcome. She has peed in the toilet at school a total of three times now, over the past month. So, we have a long way to go. Or, perhaps it will all happen quickly.

Her teacher at school is willing to change wet clothes frequently throughout the day, so we're going to let Andrea go without a diaper as she desires there. I'll plan to do the same when we are at home over the weekend. I'm not ready to do so when we are out and about, until she can demonstrate to me that she actually can pee in the toilet. Andrea was willing to sit on the toilet about every 20 minutes at school today, so that is promising.

My approach with Andrea is to go right from a diaper to underwear. Pull-ups are just an expensive type of diapers in my opinion. They didn't seem to make a difference for Dylan. Since we use cloth diapers at home, that should be better for letting Andrea know that she is wet than a Pull-up ever could be.

It might be next year before we no longer need diapers... or it might be next week. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, and will let Andrea let us know when she is ready.

Posted by geoff at 21:43 in /family/andrea