Schmit Family
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2 June 2008 9:45 pm

No More Office

I had an interesting conversation with Dylan tonight. It started with him asking why people at work were going to be tossing things. I tried to explain that toss meant to throw them away. Dylan doesn't like to throw anything away, so that was a rough start to the conversation. Here's how the rest of the conversation went:

We're going to be moving out of our offices at work, Dylan.

Well, what will you have?

I'll just have a desk.

Why, Mommy? Why won't you still have an office?

Because it will save the company money.

But it might not, Mommy.

You're right, Dylan.

He's about as skeptical as I and most of my colleagues at work are. Guess he's not going to be management material. We'll see when we're in our "open office environment" whether our current building remains occupied or whether it ever gets shut down. We'll also have to see whether the great improvements in productivity associated with staring at your co-workers all day are ever realized. By the end of June, we are supposed to be moved in to our new work environment.

Oh. By the way, our flexible working options are going to be reduced in January. No every-other-Friday off, and no working from home unless the cable guy is going to be there.

Posted by geoff at 21:45 in /family/dylan