Schmit Family
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26 January 2008 1:27 pm

Broken Heart at Four?

Dylan celebrated his fourth birthday last weekend. His birthday was on Friday. He had cupcakes at school. Actually, he ended up having cupcakes at school twice, although he only ate one. The first was with his class after lunch. The second was as initially planned at snack time. Then, we celebrated at home with his traditional Mmmmmmint Chip ice cream cake from "the ice cream store". If you haven't ever tried their ice cream, sign up for their birthday club and you can get a coupon for a free ice cream on your birthday. Saturday, we had a party with many of his friends. Another cake, more presents, and much chaos in our house. Sunday, we had a mini-party with some friends who got confused and had the date wrong. Fortunately, we discovered this when we saw them at church, rather than when they rang our doorbell. Dylan had a blast turning four.

Okay, so maybe it's me with the broken heart at four. Dylan's latest best girl friend is moving. Yesterday was her last day at Dylan's school. Gabrielle is moving to Minneapolis. The upside is that she won't get to drag him into trouble with her. The downside is that he is losing a great friend. She's the one who he has told us that he is "going to live with when I grow up."

I'm still holding out hope for Ellie, Dylan's first love. She was at Dylan's birthday party and wanted to sit next to him during both pizza and cake. We have many pictures of the two of them together over the years. Dylan also agreed to marry Aina "tomorrow" just this week at school. So, I don't think that he'll take too long to recover from the departure of Gabrielle.

Just for the record, I'm not ready for Dylan to start dating in earnest. Perhaps by the time he's twenty-four. Or thirty-four. Or maybe forty-four.

Speaking of numbers, Dylan had his four-year-old well check this week. And he got the shots that he'll need for kindergarten; that isn't until fall 2009. Dylan weighs 40 lbs and is 41 1/2" (3' 5 1/2") tall, which puts him at about the 75th percentile for both. The nurse actually calculated his BMI, which was okay. Dylan had his blood pressure taken again on this visit. Overall, a clean bill of health.

Posted by geoff at 13:27 in /family/dylan