21 January 2008 9:45 pm
Andrea Swimming
Andrea still has a blast at her swim lessons at the YMCA. Oma was visiting this weekend and took some short video clips on her camera. Here's a short video compilation of about 30 seconds of the 30 minute class. Andrea is first jumping of the side of the pool, then jumping off the platform in the pool, and finally just swimming a bit.
This was my first attempt at using iMovie '08. Well, the first successful attempt. It was extremely frustrating getting started, as it did not seem nearly as intuitive as the old iMovie. It still seems a bit clunky. I was not able to do exactly what I wanted to, but it's close enough. On the upside, here are a few new features that look like they'll be nice to have, such as cropping and rotating video. Also, the integration with iPhoto makes accessing video much easier.