23 July 2007 9:32 pm
Tooth Surprise!
Today, I noticed Andrea's eighth tooth. It is on the upper right of her mouth. The surprise is that it is her first molar, not the lateral incisor, on the upper right. She currently has all four central incisors, the three lateral incisors other than the upper right, and the upper right first molar. No idea why this tooth decided to pre-empt all those which I expected before it! It is possible that the tooth has been there for a few days, as it is quite visible. Tooth number seven has been visible for less than a week. It was peeking through the gums on July 17th, but only barely; it was the upper left lateral incisor.
Andrea's teeth all have arrived within the expected window published by the American Dental Association (ADA), except for her upper lateral incisors. One was two months late and the other is two months and counting. It was a surprise to me to notice that range for the upper lateral incisors is actually earlier than the lower lateral incisors. Similarly, the first molars and canines erupt earlier on the top than the bottom.
According to the chart of unknown origin on Dr. Greene's website, this most recent tooth is the first to fall in the normal range. Andrea is well behind the pace Dylan had for tooth eruption, as he had twelve teeth by this age. Surprisingly, I have been better at recording when Andrea's teeth have erupted.
Later this week, I expect to have an update on Andrea's overall health, as she goes in for her fifteen-month well check on Wednesday afternoon.