3 February 2007 8:51 pm
Three Years. Nine Months.
Dylan recently (January 18) reached his third birthday. The following day, Andrea reached the nine-month milestone. Hard to believe that much time has passed in both cases. We visited the doctor on January 24th and both kids checked out well.
Dylan is now 38 3/4" tall and weighs 34 lbs. This places him at the 75th percentile for three-year old boys on both accounts. Instead of a head measurement, he had his blood pressure taken for the first time (70/52). I was surprised to learn that normal blood pressure for a child is quite different than that for an adult. According to our pediatrician, it will rise steadily until around age 11 or 12 when it will be comparable to that of an adult Another first: Dylan got to pee in a cup to provide a urine sample.
Andrea measured 18 lbs. 6 oz. and 28" long. Her head was 17 3/4" in circumference. For weight, she is right at the 50th percentile. For height, she is between the 50th and 75th percentiles. For cap size, she is slightly above the 75th percentile. Going in to the appointment, I was curious whether her measurements would indicate she is growing well, since she has really slimmed down. Oma or Opa used the word "pixie" to describe her features recently; yes, someday there will be more pictures so you can see for yourself. No concern needed, though, as Andrea is growing just fine. Perhaps it was just my perspective. It is interesting to note that Dylan was already 18 lbs. 10.5 oz. by the age of six months and was 1 3/4 inches longer at nine months than Andrea is. Dylan had achieved Andrea's current head size sometime between four and six months.
First Tooth! Andrea's first tooth surfaced on Dylan's birthday. Her second appeared today. Eighteen more to go. These didn't seem to bother her too much. Let's hope that the rest go as smoothly!
Less naps for Andrea, which means she has started to take only one nap a day. When she takes a longer nap, of about 2 to 2 1/2 hours, she does not seem interested in napping again. And, she actually seems to still function quite well. Dylan, on the other hand, is not ready to drop his one and only nap. This past Wednesday, he had his first day ever with no nap. He's previously had short- (~30 minute) nap days, but never none. And it showed. When I picked him up at school, his eyes looked glazed over. He fell asleep on the drive home, awoke only to move to the couch and subsequently to bed. He didn't wake until morning which was 12 hours after leaving school. Let's hope he doesn't try that again any time soon.
Keg of milk! If you've read this far, then you probably know me pretty well. So, it won't surprise you that I have a spreadsheet that tracks the milk that I pump for Andrea. According to this spreadsheet, I surpassed the keg (15.5 gallon) mark on January 17th. Andrea has not quite yet consumed the equivalent of a keg of milk from bottles, but is not far from that milestone.