3 November 2006 3:54 pm
Summer 2006 Photos
It strikes me as odd writing about summer pictures in November. However, not as odd as a couple of conversations I had last weekend. The weather was beautiful on Sunday and we had plans to head out to rake leaves in the afternoon. In the morning, Geoff was busy putting the finishing touches on his entry for the Iron Coder 4 competition, and Andrea was sleeping, so Dylan and I headed out to find a rake for him. We visited three stores, with no luck. At one store, when I asked the clerk if they carried any, he checked. The answer he was given was that no, it was a seasonal product. When I looked at him quizically, he agreed that it was strange to have no kids rakes at the peak of leaf season here in Illinois. At the next store, the woman behind the service desk didn't seem to understand the concept of fall being a season for raking leaves. Her answer: "Spring is the season to buy rakes." You'll eventually get to peruse pictures from the fall, but perhaps not until they are in season.
The final post-editting tally is in: 157 new pictures! The latest pictures include those from mid-July through mid-September. They are in four batches:
- Andrea's Month Five. The biggest even during this time was our visit to the Illinois Railway Museum to see Thomas the Tank Engine.
- Flannigan Wedding. We went to Sayre, PA for the wedding of Clay and Mary. At the hotel, Andrea went swimming for the first time and had a blast. We have a few pictures from the wedding and reception also.
- Grandma and Grandpa's. We visited with Cousin Tommy, his parents (Uncle Tom and Aunt Maryann) Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Dan. We all went to a Syracuse Skychiefs game that went into extra innings, and we saw the fireworks after the game. We also took a trip with Grandma to Lock 23 along the Erie Canal, which gets the most amount of boat traffic of any lock in the New York system. A few of the boats were on their way to Florida for the winter.
- Oma and Opa's. We saw Dylan and Andrea's three great-grandparents on this trip and enjoyed time with them. Dylan (and Daddy) enjoyed an ice cream Sunday at Friendly's, which you just don't find west of Ohio. Oma and Opa set up great trips for us to a Dairy Farm and a Wildlife Rehabiliation Center. We also spent a morning at Chittenango Falls.