Schmit Family
Welcome to , , , and virtual front porch. This web site is just that; a place to visit for family, friends, and anyone, who are too far away, to stop by in person. Pull up a chair and stay a while....

21 August 2006 8:34 pm

Four-Month Well Check

Andrea visited the doctor this afternoon. She came away with a clean bill of health, good progress on development milestones, and four bandaids from her shots.

Andrea continues to grow well. She is still long, although Geoff will point out how inaccurate this measurement can be. She measured in at 26" on the second attempt which places her at about the 95th percentile; the first measurement by the nurse was 27" which is well off the chart for a four-month old. Her weight was 15 lbs 1 oz which is between the 75th and 90th percentiles. Finally, her head size was 16 1/2" or at the 75th percentile.

I have plenty more thoughts and many pictures to share from the last couple of months. I hope to have a few spare moments sometime soon...

Posted by geoff at 20:34 in /family/andrea