20 November 2004 10:00 pm
Dylan's First Road Trip: Day Two
Today was spent in Cleveland. We met Shawn, Suzanne, Kristen, Sydney, and Matthew for breakfast. We had to wait for a while, but Dylan and Matthew had a great time playing. After breakfast, we retired to the hotel for a much needed nap (all three of us). We then headed to Sigma Nu for the Alumni, Active, Candidate (AAC) dinner. At one point during dinner, my table, consisting of the older Alumni, began to throw rolls at other brothers. I'm afraid some of my fraternity brothers may not be a good role model, no pun intended, for Dylan. When our table was under fire, Chris exclaimed, "Careful, there are children here!" Dan added, "add a baby too!" 'Nuff said. Unfortunately, Dylan may have learned too much, as he threw his toy keys from the back seat to the front seat (over his head) on our way back to the hotel.