5 November 2004 9:08 am
My Son, the Bobblehead
We had a visit with Dylan's doctor yesterday. It was nice to be in the office for a well-check, rather than the couple of sick visits we've had in the past couple of months. The sick visits have indicated only standard colds. The well visit indicated that Dylan has the proportions of a bobblehead.
The supporting evidence is the growth statistics. Dylan weighed in at 21 lbs, 5 oz which puts him just over the 50th percentile for weight. His length of 29 3/4" is between the 90th and 95th percentile. And his head circumference of 19" is above the 95th percentile. Thus, the bobblehead proportions. For those who are interested in looking at growth charts for children they are available in various file formats at the CDC website.
This past Tuesday, Dylan's third tooth - his left, upper front tooth - broke through the gums after a long wait. The right one is not expected to be far behind.
Dylan is also developing well. He has nearly given up the belly crawling that he was doing in the last video in favor of a true hands-and-knees crawl. He also enjoys pulling up on nearly any surface and moving laterally. Unfortunately, this means that almost all horizontal surfaces now have to be free of objects that are not Dylan friendly. It is quite amazing to watch how easily Dylan now climbs up stairs. We still need to be with him as he does, since it will be some time before he learns how to climb down stairs.
Dylan's next well check is scheduled for after his first birthday!