20 January 2004 11:38 pm
Dylan James Schmit
On 18 January 2004, at 2:22pm CST, Dylan James Schmit was born. He was seven pounds, fifteen ounces and twenty and three quarter inches long. Mom and Dylan are both doing great. We took some pictures of Dylan in the hospital.
20 January 2004 9:33 pm
A cold wind blows rain;
walkers, heads down, slowly climb
up to Eryri.
Stretton, Staffordshire, England
January 2003
Dad, Mom, Grant, Carolyn, and I climbed Snowdon (Eryri is the Welsh name), the highest peak in Wales, on New Years Day 2003. It was cold, cloudy, and windy all the way to the top. The sun finally broke through the clouds as we were heading back down.
20 January 2004 5:56 pm
Bush in 30 Seconds
The winners have been announced in the Bush in 30 Seconds content sponsored by moveon.org. The ads are great. The winning ad is suppose to air during tonight's State of the Union and the Superbowl. Well see about tonight, but CBS has reportedly refused to run the ad. Another example, like not airing the Reagan mini-series, of the "out-of-control liberal media." Good thing we don't have to worry about the homogenization of the media infringing on free speech; or, in this case, even not-so-free speech.
20 January 2004 5:03 pm
Welcome to schmits.org. Carolyn and I have set up this site to share news and photos which family and friends.
On the left side are links to various categories of photo albums: family, vacations, and woodworking. Each category contains an index of albums. Below the categories of photo albums are categories of journal entries: family, hobbies, poetry, and soapbox. Most of the journal entries will be topical except for the poetry category in which I will post, over time, various poems I have written in the last 20 years.
This entry is posted under the hobbies journal category since this web site has now become a hobby of mine. For those who may be interested, this web site is powered by Movable Type, Apache, MySQL, and Mac OS X. Content is created in BBEdit and iPhoto with the help of BetterHTMLExport. All content on this web site, unless otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons License. This web site's markup should validate as valid XHTML; its layout, valid CSS; and its feed, valid RSS. If you have a modern, standards-compliant browser, and this site look odd, please let me know.